Wednesday, March 24, 2004
About Time
An avid reader recently alerted me that ESPN's Sports Guy finally penned an amusing column about the NCAA Tournament. As I noted earlier, his pieces on college basketball have been few and far between (and mediocre).But yesterday's column is a keeper.
After running through a slew of poor coaching decisions, Bill Simmons lays it on heavy:
Top teams don't have two or three NBA-ready guys anymore ... it's a mishmash of inexperienced guys and seniors not good enough to skip to the NBA. In other words, college coaches actually have to coach. Few of them can. And every year, they get exposed a little bit more.
More of my reaction, to come. For now, I'll leave you with the question everybody's been asking:
How many more times do we have to see the Microsoft Office guy celebrating in that commercial? 500? 1000? 10,000? Give me a rough estimate so I know whether to hang myself or not.